Frequently Asked Questions
Can I substitute something else for the corn syrup?
Dark corn syrup can be substituted for the light corn syrup in this chocolate pecan pie. We do not recommend using other syrupy liquids, such as honey, pancake syrup or agave syrup. They may not set up the same when baked, resulting in a soft filling that can’t be cut into nicely shaped pie pieces.
Can this recipe for chocolate pecan pie be made ahead?
You can make this chocolate pecan pie recipe up to 2 days in advance. Cover the cooled pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Remove the pie from the refrigerator about 15 minutes before you want to serve it.
Can I use a deep-dish pie plate?
If you use a deep-dish pie plate, you will need to roll both crusts together to have it big enough to fit into a deep-dish pie plate. A deep dish pie plate holds more volume than a regular pie plate, so your pecan pie filling won’t be enough to fill the crust.
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var configuration = {"title":"Chocolate-Pecan Pie","introduction":"If you thought pecan pie was IT, well, we’ve just raised the bar! It looks like it belongs on a fancy restaurant dessert cart, but really, it’s simple to make, when you start with Pillsbury™ pie crust. Chocolate-Pecan Pie takes everything you love about pecan pie and then adds gooey chocolate chips to the filling. You might as well start loosening your belt now.","servingSize":"1 Serving","image":{"small":{"media":"(min-width: 0px)","src":"\u0026t=e724eca7b3c24a8aaa6e089ed9e611fd"},"medium":{"media":"(min-width: 500px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"large":{"media":"(min-width: 767px)","src":"\u0026t=191ddcab8d1c415fa10fa00a14351227"},"alt":"Chocolate-Pecan Pie"},"contributor":{"label":"By","name":"Pillsbury Kitchens","profileUrl":"/about-us","displayDate":{"label":"Updated","date":"Nov 14, 2023"}},"ingredientGroups":[{"ingredients":[{"quantity":"1","description":"crust from 1 box (14.1 oz) refrigerated Pillsbury™ Pie Crusts (2 Count), softened as directed on box","productLink":"/products/pie-crust/refrigerated-pie-crust"},{"quantity":"1","description":"cup light corn syrup"},{"quantity":"1/2","description":"cup sugar"},{"quantity":"1/4","description":"cup butter or margarine, melted"},{"quantity":"1","description":"teaspoon vanilla"},{"quantity":"3","description":"eggs"},{"quantity":"1","description":"cup semisweet chocolate chips (6 oz)"},{"quantity":"1 1/2","description":"cups pecan halves"},{"quantity":"10","description":"pecan halves"},{"quantity":"1/2","description":"cup whipping cream, whipped"}]}],"steps":[{"description":"Heat oven to 325°F. Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie plate as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"In large bowl, beat corn syrup, sugar, butter, vanilla and eggs with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Reserve 2 tablespoons chocolate chips for topping. Stir in remaining chocolate chips and 1 1/2 cups pecans. Spread evenly in crust-lined pan.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"},{"description":"Bake 55 to 65 minutes or until deep golden brown and filling is set. Cool completely, about 1 hour."},{"description":"Line cookie sheet with waxed paper. In small microwavable bowl, microwave reserved 2 tablespoons chocolate chips on Medium (50%) 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until melted; stir. Dip each of 10 pecan halves in chocolate; place on lined cookie sheet. Refrigerate 15 to 20 minutes or until chocolate is set. Garnish pie with whipped cream and chocolate-dipped pecans. Store in refrigerator.","stepShotImageUrl":"//\u0026t=51a43a57af4046789e5a7f20567b1195"}],"tips":[{"title":"","description":"Our recipe for chocolate pecan pie is simple to make with Pillsbury™ pie crust. The indulgent pecan pie filling includes chocolate chips for another layer of incredible flavor.","category":"Rich Snippet"},{"title":"","description":"One frozen Pillsbury™ Deep Dish Pie Crust may be substituted for the refrigerated Pillsbury™ Pie Crust in this recipe. Place cookie sheet on oven rack. Heat oven as directed. Prepare filling and follow directions on package for One-Crust Filled Pie.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"},{"title":"","description":"Whipping cream whips more quickly and gives more volume if both the cream and equipment are cold. Place the bowl and beaters in the freezer 15 minutes before using. Leave the whipping cream in the refrigerator until ready to whip.","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Look for pecan halves near the other nuts in the baking aisle of your grocery store.","category":"Recipe/Ingredient Facts"},{"title":"","description":"Be sure to get heavy whipping cream, so you will be able to beat it into whipped cream. Other forms of cream don’t contain enough fat to whip properly.","category":"Recipe/Ingredient Facts"},{"title":"","description":"To get the fluffiest whipped cream, place your bowl and beaters in the freezer for 15 minutes before you whip the cream. Leave your whipping cream in the refrigerator until you’re ready to whip it, as cold cream will whip more quickly and have better volume if it’s cold.","category":"Method Note"},{"title":"","description":"Rich and indulgent, some think pecan pie must be difficult to make. Surprisingly, it’s one of the easiest pies to make (there’s no peeling or cutting fruit first, like in fruit pies). Our recipe for chocolate pecan pie is a cinch to put together when you start with Pillsbury™ pie crust. We even share how to make chocolate-dipped pecans, for a stunning garnish! Want an even more indulgent chocolate pecan pie? Try our \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003ecoconut-pecan\u003c/a\u003e recipe. If you love the flavors but don’t want to make a pie, \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003echocolate pecan bars\u003c/a\u003e are a great choice. Happy baking!","category":"Editorial"},{"title":"","description":"Recipe meets Kitchen Tested criteria. Reviewed as part of SEO improvements Oct. 2019.","category":"Kitchen Tested"}],"kitchenTips":[{"title":"","description":"One frozen Pillsbury™ Deep Dish Pie Crust may be substituted for the refrigerated Pillsbury™ Pie Crust in this recipe. Place cookie sheet on oven rack. Heat oven as directed. Prepare filling and follow directions on package for One-Crust Filled Pie.","category":"Serving Suggestions/Menu"},{"title":"","description":"Whipping cream whips more quickly and gives more volume if both the cream and equipment are cold. Place the bowl and beaters in the freezer 15 minutes before using. Leave the whipping cream in the refrigerator until ready to whip.","category":"Techniques"},{"title":"","description":"Look for pecan halves near the other nuts in the baking aisle of your grocery store.","category":"Recipe/Ingredient Facts"},{"title":"","description":"Be sure to get heavy whipping cream, so you will be able to beat it into whipped cream. Other forms of cream don’t contain enough fat to whip properly.","category":"Recipe/Ingredient Facts"},{"title":"","description":"To get the fluffiest whipped cream, place your bowl and beaters in the freezer for 15 minutes before you whip the cream. Leave your whipping cream in the refrigerator until you’re ready to whip it, as cold cream will whip more quickly and have better volume if it’s cold.","category":"Method Note"}],"additionalContent":[{"title":"Is It Hard to Make Chocolate Pecan Pie?","description":"This chocolate pecan pie recipe is actually very easy to make! Simply roll out the Pillsbury™ pie crust and place it in your pie plate. Stir together the filling ingredients; fill the pie and bake! We even show you how to make chocolate pecans for a garnish that look fancy but are actually ridiculously easy to make.","category":"SEO Content_1"},{"title":"How Can I Serve Chocolate Pecan Pie?","description":"Pecan chocolate pie is the ultimate dessert, with the sweetened whipped cream and chocolate pecans for a garnish. Nothing else is needed!","category":"SEO Content_2"}],"faq":[{"title":"Can I substitute something else for the corn syrup?","description":"Dark corn syrup can be substituted for the light corn syrup in this chocolate pecan pie. We do not recommend using other syrupy liquids, such as honey, pancake syrup or agave syrup. They may not set up the same when baked, resulting in a soft filling that can’t be cut into nicely shaped pie pieces.","category":"FAQ_1"},{"title":"Can this recipe for chocolate pecan pie be made ahead?","description":"You can make this chocolate pecan pie recipe up to 2 days in advance. Cover the cooled pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Remove the pie from the refrigerator about 15 minutes before you want to serve it.","category":"FAQ_2"},{"title":"Can I use a deep-dish pie plate?","description":"If you use a deep-dish pie plate, you will need to roll both crusts together to have it big enough to fit into a deep-dish pie plate. A deep dish pie plate holds more volume than a regular pie plate, so your pecan pie filling won’t be enough to fill the crust.","category":"FAQ_3"}],"tipCategories":[{"categoryName":"Editorial","heading":"More About This Recipe","cssClass":"recipePartStory","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Rich and indulgent, some think pecan pie must be difficult to make. Surprisingly, it’s one of the easiest pies to make (there’s no peeling or cutting fruit first, like in fruit pies). Our recipe for chocolate pecan pie is a cinch to put together when you start with Pillsbury™ pie crust. We even share how to make chocolate-dipped pecans, for a stunning garnish! Want an even more indulgent chocolate pecan pie? Try our \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003ecoconut-pecan\u003c/a\u003e recipe. If you love the flavors but don’t want to make a pie, \u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003echocolate pecan bars\u003c/a\u003e are a great choice. Happy baking!","category":"Editorial"}],"isExpandable":false},{"categoryName":"Kitchen Tested","heading":"More About This Recipe","cssClass":"recipePartStory","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Recipe meets Kitchen Tested criteria. Reviewed as part of SEO improvements Oct. 2019.","category":"Kitchen Tested"}],"isExpandable":false},{"categoryName":"Method Note","heading":"","cssClass":"recipePartMethodNote","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"To get the fluffiest whipped cream, place your bowl and beaters in the freezer for 15 minutes before you whip the cream. Leave your whipping cream in the refrigerator until you’re ready to whip it, as cold cream will whip more quickly and have better volume if it’s cold.","category":"Method Note"}],"isExpandable":false},{"categoryName":"Rich Snippet","heading":"","cssClass":"recipePartMethodNote","expandOnInit":false,"expandText":"More +","collapseText":"Less -","expandEventName":"","collapseEventName":"","image":"","tips":[{"title":"","description":"Our recipe for chocolate pecan pie is simple to make with Pillsbury™ pie crust. The indulgent pecan pie filling includes chocolate chips for another layer of incredible flavor.","category":"Rich Snippet"}],"isExpandable":false}],"nutritionInfo":{"configuration":{"showAsTable":false,"noNutritionInformationAvailableMessage":"No nutrition information available for this recipe","poweredByText":"\u003cp\u003eNutrition information for this recipe is estimated using a leading nutrition calculation application, but is an estimate only. Actual nutrition values will vary based on the exact ingredients or brands you may use.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003ca href=\u0022\u0022\u003ePowered By \u003cimg src=\u0022-/media/C4F33FD467AB4A3AB59AAC4F6306AB04.ashx\u0022 alt=\u0022Edamam\u0022 /\u003e\u003c/a\u003e","nutritionChartTitle":"Nutrition Facts","nutritionInformationLabel":"Nutrition","servingSizeText":"Serving Size:","dailyValuesDisclaimer":"*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.","percentDailyValueText":"% Daily Value","percentDailyValueFooterTitleText":"% Daily Value*:","exchangeInformationTitleText":"Exchanges:","nutritionFactsExpandText":"More Nutrition","nutritionFactsCollapseText":"Less Nutrition"},"facts":{"carbohydrateChoice":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"4","title":"Carbohydrate Choice"},"vitaminA":{"amountPercent":"8%","amountUnits":"8%","title":"Vitamin A"},"vitaminC":{"amountPercent":"0%","amountUnits":"0%","title":"Vitamin C"},"calcium":{"amountPercent":"4%","amountUnits":"4%","title":"Calcium"},"iron":{"amountPercent":"6%","amountUnits":"6%","title":"Iron"},"protein":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"5g","title":"Protein"},"dietaryFiber":{"amountPercent":"10%","amountUnits":"2g","title":"Dietary Fiber"},"sugars":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"33g","title":"Sugars"},"totalCarbohydrate":{"amountPercent":"20%","amountUnits":"59g","title":"Total Carbohydrate"},"sodium":{"amountPercent":"8%","amountUnits":"180mg","title":"Sodium"},"potassium":{"amountPercent":"5%","amountUnits":"160mg","title":"Potassium"},"cholesterol":{"amountPercent":"31%","amountUnits":"90mg","title":"Cholesterol"},"transFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"0g","title":"Trans Fat"},"saturatedFat":{"amountPercent":"59%","amountUnits":"12g","title":"Saturated Fat"},"totalFat":{"amountPercent":"49%","amountUnits":"32g","title":"Total Fat"},"caloriesFromFat":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"280","title":"Calories from Fat"},"calories":{"amountPercent":"","amountUnits":"540","title":"Calories"}},"servingSize":"1 Serving","exchangeInfo":"2 Starch; 0 Fruit; 2 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Skim Milk; 0 Low-Fat Milk; 0 Milk; 0 Vegetable; 0 Very Lean Meat; 0 Lean Meat; 0 High-Fat Meat; 6 Fat;","showPoweredBy":false,"showRecipeTotalTime":true,"showRecipePrepTime":true,"showCarbohydrateChoices":true},"trademarks":[],"labels":{"ingredientsHeader":"Ingredients","stepsHeader":"Instructions","stepsImageHideText":"Hide Images","stepsImageShowText":"Show Images","stepNumberText":"Step","faqHeader":"Frequently Asked Questions","tipsHeader":"\u003cp class=\u0022textFirst\u0022\u003eTips from the\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\u0022textSecond\u0022\u003ePillsbury Kitchens\u003c/p\u003e","tipItemHeadingFormat":"tip {0}","postedBy":"By","copyright":"© {yyyy} ®/TM General Mills All Rights Reserved","showDrawerText":"Show","hideDrawerText":"Hide","expandDescriptionText":"More +","collapseDescriptionText":"Less -","ariaLiveLabelFormat":"Showing {0} through {1} of {2}","scrollLeftButtonLabel":"Scroll Left","scrollRightButtonLabel":"Scroll Right","includeScrollIndicator":false},"primaryAttributes":[{"label":"Prep Time","values":[{"text":"25","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Total","values":[{"text":"2","label":"hr"},{"text":"30","label":"min"}]},{"label":"Ingredients","values":[{"text":"10"}]},{"label":"Servings","values":[{"text":"10"}]}],"secondaryAttributes":[],"badges":[{"badgeType":3,"badgeText":"","label":"Kitchen Tested","imageUrl":"/-/media/GMI/Core-Sites/PB/Images/Shared/RecipeParts/KitchenTested_PB1_new.jpg?sc_lang=en","linkUrl":"/about-us/kitchen-tested","metaDataTags":[],"showMemberInfo":false,"matchedMetadataId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"},{"badgeType":2,"badgeText":"Pillsbury Pie Crust","label":"Make With","imageUrl":"/-/media/GMI/Core-Sites/PB/PB/Images/Shared/RecipeParts/make-with-logos/MakeWith_100x100_Pillsbury_PieCrust_2.jpg?sc_lang=en","linkUrl":"/products/pie-crust","metaDataTags":["c5de694c-2647-52c1-b9cc-802fa251cffe"],"showMemberInfo":false,"matchedMetadataId":"c5de694c-2647-52c1-b9cc-802fa251cffe"}],"backgroundImageUrl":"","breadcrumbs":{"links":[{"url":"/","label":"Home"},{"url":"/recipes","label":"Recipes"},{"url":"/recipes/dish-type/pies","label":"Best Easy Pie Recipes"}],"currentPageName":"Chocolate-Pecan Pie"}};
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