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How to Prep Pillsbury Batters

Pillsbury Banana Bread, bananas on the and canisters on a white kitchen counter

Pillsbury™ Batters are, dare we say, a game-changer. Our batters are easy to prep so you have more time for the important stuff—like wrangling the kids, making dinner, or just grabbing a few minutes of you time.

Baking with our batter is easy, no matter when you get the urge. Need a quick breakfast? A snack for the kids? Or something sweet to finish off dinner? We've got you covered.

Follow along as we share prep methods —though it's as easy as cutting, squeezing into your baking pan, and popping it into the oven.


Opening the Tube


Let it Sit on the Counter for 15 minutes. Since the batter is cold, taking it out of the fridge helps it warm up a little to ensure a successful bake, where the batter bakes all the way through. If you skip this step, the crust can get too dark before the center is done. Use this time to do whatever you want! Empty the dishwasher, go through the mail or have yourself a little dance party right in the kitchen.

Squeeze it Like Toothpaste. Get all scrumptious batter out of the wrapper by cutting off one end with kitchen scissors. Starting with the uncut end, squeeze as you go, and roll up the wrapper, making a thick line of batter down the length of your pan.

Resist the Urge to Spread. There’s no need to spread the batter in the pan. It will self-level while baking, creating a lovely slightly peaked top with the pretty, characteristic crack of homemade quick breads. One less step for you means you’re even closer to enjoying the deliciousness!

Baking Tips: Mastering the Perfect Loaf

Use these easy-to-follow tips for a quick bread your whole family will love:

Preheat your oven

Allowing your oven to get up to temperature before you bake will help ensure the bread bakes evenly (where the inside is baked through while the crust is deep golden brown and tender).

Use a Shiny Pan

For the best results, use a shiny pan, which reflects the heat, for a golden-brown and tender crust. You can use pans made with other materials or finishes but they may cause the crust to be thicker (less tender) and darker. A 9x5 or 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 loaf pan works well.

Grease the Entire Pan

Spray both the sides and bottom of the pan with cooking spray, being careful to get into the corners to prevent the bread from sticking to it. If you spray the pan over the sink, any overspray stays off your counter, creating even less to clean up!

Set Timer for the Minimum Bake Time

This way, you can’t accidentally bake the bread too long, where it turns out dry or crusty. If it needs it, you can always bake the banana bread a few extra few minutes.

Use Both Time and Temperature to Determine Doneness

Breads can be a little sneaky…they may look done without actually being baked through on the inside. When the timer goes off, check the appearance of the crack. Does it appear dry? Also, super important--poke a toothpick into the center of the loaf in several places. If any batter is on the toothpick when you remove it, add another minute or two of bake time and test again until the toothpick comes out clean.

Cool it in the Pan

Cool the bread in the pan 15 minutes so it becomes sturdy enough to take out of the pan. Then cool it completely before slicing. Can’t wait that long (who could blame you)? You can devour it sooner; however, the bread will be crumbly until completely cool.

Cut Loaf with a Long, Serrated Knife

Using a long, serrated knife with a light sawing motion to cut the bread when it’s completely cooled will give you beautiful slices. Slice as many as you want—whether just enough to eat now or the entire loaf, which makes it easier for your family to enjoy later without having to pull out a knife and cutting board each time they get the craving.

Keep Any Remaining Bread Fresh

Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil and store it in the refrigerator to help keep it at its freshest—up to 3 days.

Baking Tips: Bread Batter Alternate Pan Instructions


Heat oven to 375°F. Let the batter stand as directed on the package. Squeeze the batter into 12 greased muffin cups, filling them about 2/3 full (about ¼ cup, each). Bake 22 to 27 minutes until dark golden brown or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove muffins from pan to cooling rack. Package makes 12 muffins.

Mini Loaf Pans

Heat oven to 350°F. Let the batter stand as directed on the package. Grease 3 mini loaf pans (5x3-inch). Divide batter among loaf pans and spread evenly. Bake 40 to 50 minutes until dark golden brown or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans to cooling rack. Package makes three 5x3-inch mini loaves.

Square Pans

Heat oven to 350°F. Let the batter stand as directed on the package. Grease an 8x8-inch nonstick pan. Squeeze the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake 40 to 50 minutes until the top is dark golden brown or toothpick in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes.

Ready, Set, Bake: It's Your Turn Now!

We showed you how easy it is to prep our pre-made batters and armed you with tips to ensure your loaf comes out perfectly every time. Now, the kitchen is yours! Grab your Pillsbury Banana Bread Batter or Apple Cinnamon Bread Batter and see for yourself how easy and delicious it is.

And if you’re as excited as we are to do more with this batter, check out our Pillsbury™ Banana Bread Batter: Easy, Delicious, and Customizable article where we get the creativity started for you by sharing twists and hacks that you can do with our batter.

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