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The Doughboy's Favorite Weekend Morning Tradition: Breakfast by Dad

Man with biscuits and the Pillsbury Doughboy
The Doughboy is all for taking turns, so this weekend, let Dad (or Mom!) take care of breakfast. We’ll supply the treats—you bring the fun.

They might make it look easy, but being a Mom or Dad is a pretty big gig. From breakfast to bedtime, there’s a lot to do, and the Doughboy knows that taking turns is one way parents make it all happen (that, and because they’re basically superheroes). But since the Doughboy is a superhero himself (he likes to think his bandana is also a cape), he is always ready to lend his own powers to Moms and Dads everywhere—in the form of dough, of course.

If Mom’s been calling on the Doughboy for most of the meals this week, let Dad take over on the weekend. After all, who couldn’t use a little one-on-one time with Dad over biscuits or cinnamon rolls for breakfast (with a few giggles on the side)? Mom can take it easy this morning—Dad and the Doughboy have this one covered.

Make it a Sweet Morning with Cinnamon Rolls

What’s Dad’s secret to the perfect Saturday morning? A can of Pillsbury™ cinnamon rolls, of course! If you can’t start the weekend without a sweet treat, the Doughboy’s got you covered. Just pop open a can, place the rolls on a cookie sheet and bake until those swirls of cinnamon goodness are warm and golden brown. Frost (or drizzle!) with icing and dig into a delightful morning with Dad.

Bake It Easy
Bake It Easy
Breakfast on the weekend doesn’t need to be fancy. Make the most of your family time by baking up a batch of Pillsbury™ cinnamon rolls so you can spend the rest of your morning making memories with your favorite people.

Of course, if you feel like getting even more creative in the kitchen this morning, we have plenty of recipe ideas for hacking a can of cinnamon rolls to make your best breakfast ever.

Wake Up Your Weekend with Biscuits

If you kick off your weekend with a can of Pillsbury™ biscuits, you’re doing it right. All Dad needs to do is pop a baking sheet of biscuit dough into the oven and bake them up to fluffy, buttery perfection—and all everyone else needs to do is enjoy!

Home-Baked Breakfast
Home-Baked Breakfast
If you’re a savory breakfast-loving kind of family, our Pillsbury™ biscuits are ready to bake (and eat!) in minutes. P.S. Love the taste and texture of biscuits, but still want a touch of sweetness? Our new sweet biscuits are made just for you.

As for those who crave a heartier breakfast come the weekend, we have loads of recipe ideas for Dad to take our fresh-baked biscuits to the next level of yum.