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How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Behold: our no-fail, 30-minute method for cleaning, roasting and storing pumpkin seeds.

One of the best things about carving a pumpkin is that you get to enjoy roasted pumpkin seeds afterward! It’s a fabulous way to get the most out of your pumpkins and celebrate the flavors of fall. The first step? Get a pumpkin! Any pumpkin will do. Pie Pumpkins, also called Sugar Pumpkins, may have crisper seeds than carving pumpkins, but we enjoy both equally. Our foolproof method requires only three ingredients, 15 minutes of prep time and just over 30 minutes total time!

How to Clean Pumpkin Seeds

Raw pumpkin seeds in a colander

Harvesting the seeds may be the only complicated part of the whole process, and it’s not that bad (promise!). Get the kids involved and you’ll have those seeds clean and ready in no time.

What You’ll Need

  • Sharp knife for carving
  • Ice cream scoop (a large, sturdy spoon will work too)
  • Colander or strainer
  • Towel

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: If you’ll be carving your pumpkin for Halloween, cut a hole about 6 inches in diameter in the top of your pumpkin. Use the ice cream scoop or your hands to scrape out the pumpkin guts. Try to separate the flesh from the seeds as much as possible before collecting the seeds in your strainer. It’s a messy job, but it’s worth it.

Step 2: If you’re planning to roast your pumpkin, simply cut the pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds from the flesh with a sturdy serving spoon or ice cream scoop.

Step 3: Thoroughly rinse your seeds under cold running water. You can even set your colander in a bowl of water and most of the seeds will float to the top. Either way, you’ll need to get your hands in there to further separate the rest of the pumpkin bits. Spread the clean seeds on a towel and pat dry.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds on a sheet pan

Now that your seeds are clean, into the oven they go! Some people do a quick boil in salt water before roasting for extra crispiness, but if time doesn’t allow, you can skip this step. 

What You’ll Need

  • 15x10-inch baking pan
  • Wooden spoon


  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds from fresh pumpkin
  • 2 teaspoons melted butter
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Heat oven to 350°F. Clean and prepare seeds (as instructed above), then spread seeds in a single layer in an ungreased 15x10-inch baking pan. Toss with melted butter until coated. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Tip: Want to add a little more flavor to your roasted pumpkin seeds? It’s easy! Try one of these simple seasoning blends for each 1 cup of seeds.

  • Italian: 2 tablespoon melted butter + 1/4 cup grated Parmesan + 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • Sweet: 2 tablespoons melted butter + 1 tablespoon brown sugar + 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Savory: 2 tablespoons melted butter + 1 teaspoon seasoned salt + 1 teaspoon white vinegar (Note: Add the vinegar after roasting.)
  • Spicy: 2 tablespoons olive oil + 1/2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning + 1/2 teaspoon fresh lime zest (Note: Add the zest after roasting.)

Step 2: Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until light golden brown and crisp, stirring once during baking.

Step 3: Cool in baking pan 10 minutes or until completely cooled before serving.

How to Store Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pumpkin seeds can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks or in the fridge for up to two months.

Pumpkin seeds are great for snacking, but they are also a fun addition to soups, salads, baked goods and more. For inspiration, check out our Pumpkin Seed Recipes. They’re quick, easy and packed with fall flavor.