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How to Make the Perfect Strudel Doodles

Pillsbury Perfect Strudel Doodles
You have a Toaster Strudel. You have an icing packet. Now it’s time to let your imagination run wild — and get doodling!

What’s better than a buttery Pillsbury™ Toaster Strudel? A buttery Toaster Strudel with a cute doodle — drawn by you! We might even argue that strudel doodles are better than fun pancake shapes ‘cause you can do so much with them, from simple drawing to short notes. Plus, they’re portable, so your kiddo can take all that love and cuteness to school with them!

Oh, but what to doodle? The sky’s the limit! Draw your favorite animals, a zooming car or a sneaker for your favorite little playground hero. If you’re short on time, polka dots or stars are super fun, too.

You can also write something inspiring on your Toaster Strudel. Is there a big spelling bee coming up? Turn that strudel into a flashcard! Or send them off with an affirmation — like, “You’re a star” — or a simple heart.

So now you have a box of Toaster Strudels, you have a bunch of doodle ideas — it's time to make some tasty art. Follow these simple steps and tips for success! And remember: it may take a little practice to get your strudel doodling technique down, but the more you try, the more strudels you get to eat!

We want to see what you can create with your Toaster Strudel icing: share your art with the hashtag #StrudelDoodle.

Start with the perfect Toaster Strudel

Pillsbury Making Perfect Strudel Doodles

1. Choose your family’s favorite flavor of Pillsbury™ Toaster Strudel.

Perfect Strudel Doodles

2. Put your toaster on the lowest setting and toast the strudel twice. This will give you a golden brown surface to draw on, with no burnt edges.

Perfect Strudel Doodles

3. Let the strudel cool for 10 to 15 minutes! The icing tends to melt into a delicious gooey puddle if you draw on a hot strudel … so tempting, but not what we’re going for here. If you want to perfect your doodle skills, you have to let that strudel cool.

Prepare your icing packets and your doodle

Perfect Strudel Doodles

1. Separate your icing packets. They’re perforated, but take care: You don’t want any unnecessary rips or tears for the icing to escape. Folding once along that line before pulling them apart will definitely help.

Perfect Strudel Doodles

2. Using the pre-cut notches at the top of the icing pack, tear that packet open!

Perfect Strudel Doodles

3. Squeeze the extra air out of the packet by carefully working the air bubbles to the top. With all that icing, there isn’t a lot of air to squeeze out, but priming the packet will give you smoother lines.

Perfect Strudel Doodles

4. Ready to draw? It’s not necessary, but we like to draw our doodle on paper before we draw it on the strudel. It can also be fun to download line art from the Internet if you need inspo!

Perfect Strudel Doodles

Get to doodling!

Drawing on a Toaster Strudel is easy and fun, but we do have a few tips for you:

  • You want to put a little space between your icing packet and the Toaster Strudel and move slowly — this will give you more control.
  • While you’re drawing, apply constant pressure on the packet — and then stop pressing before you pull away from your doodle. This will give you an even flow of icing and straighter lines.
  • You can use a toothpick to straighten out wobbly lines or add a tidy little point to the end of your line.
  • There’s no such thing as a bad strudel doodle. Even if your doodle doesn’t match your idea, it will still be cute — and taste delicious!

Perfect Strudel Doodles Gif